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Virtual File System (VFS): Avoid Finder Error -36

Drag-and-Drop of large files out of censhare Client


On some Macs Finder error -36 occurs when you drag-and-drop assets from censhare to the Desktop. This often occurs with large files, but not with smaller ones. The fact that it does not happen on every workstation suggests that the problem is not primarily caused by censhare and the VFS. At worst, an older or heavily used hard disk is even broken beyond repair.

So you have to make a little more closely look at the affected Mac.

Finder error -36 when copying. This I/O message comes from the OS X Finder and not from censhare and indicates that a file cannot be written to the end without error.

Problem analysis and remedy

In order to eliminate the Finder EOF problem on the affected Macs, the following action helps in most cases:

1) Test whether the drag-and-drop of the same objects is performed properly into a folder other than the user's desktop.
2) If so, then the Desktop folder of the logged in user could be defective and the Finder behaves stubbornly.
3) Now enter the following command line in the Terminal with the login of the affected user and execute it by confirming with RETURN:
dot_clean ~/Desktop/
4) Copying to the Desktop using drag-and-drop should work reliably again after the command from step 3) has run. If the problem persists, then this suggests a more fundamental permission problem that should be fixed. To cross-check this, log on as a different user on the affected Mac and try to reproduce the problem. If a different user is not installed, you may create it as an administrator in the system settings for test purposes and then delete this user again. If with a freshly created user no problem occurs, the other user's permissions are not set correctly. It is therefore primarily a Finder problem and not a censhare VFS problem. In the worst case, the affected master file is actually defective and already incomplete in censhare. If the fault was intermittent, it should not reoccur after a repair disk with Disk Utility. If everything of the above fails and the message persists, an irreparable media error must be considered and the hard drive should be replaced.

Furthermore, it has been proven best to use VFS 1.0.9, otherwise it can also lead to a kernel panic in this context.
In addition, the local option "1" can be configured in the hosts.xml to mount the VFS file system as a "local" hard drive.
This is fully described in the documentation linked below regarding optional VFS entries in hosts.xml.

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