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Problem after trying to login in censhare 5 Web: HTTP Error 404

When you load censhare 5 Web - HTML client, the browser displays a HTTP Error 404. This document explains how to fix this problem.

Error Trace

Problem accessing /censhare5/client/. Reason:
Not Found"

HTTP 404

The 404 or Not Found error message is a standard HTTP response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with a given server, but the server could not find what was requested.

In multi application server environments it needs a patch for censhare Server Versions < 5.5.0

Please create a ticket to *ServiceDesk* referencing to a patch for "#2834321 Fix: Avoid web client close on remote server shutdown."
Note: The patch will as well fix the java.lang.NullPointerException and the empty popup after executing "Update Web Application Configuration"

How to fix this in censhare

Use the server action "Update Web Application Configuration" ("Konfiguration Web-Applikation aktualisieren") and in parallel watch the log file server-0.0.log.

This forces a rescan of the censhare 5 Web directories. The result are log messages like these:

2015.07.03-19:03:27.703 INFO : T044: DeploymentRefresh.refresh: ModuleServiceImpl$ModuleConfigurationImpl: Time spend finding module files: 263

2015.07.03-19:03:27.820 INFO : T044: DeploymentRefresh.refresh: AssetManagerImpl: Updating asset files

2015.07.03-19:03:27.822 INFO : T044: CommandExecutor: medfab-master.20150703.190315.684[system]: completed all in 9347ms

Any changes or errors will be shown in the log file after DeploymentRefresh.refresh: ModuleServiceImpl. If this is not working, delete runtime and restart the censhare-Server application. This folder should be automatically rebuild on censhare server start.

Important Hint

1. The server action "Update Web Application Configuration" affects censhare 5 Web users only.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.