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Performance analysis via censhare Client

How to - Client Logging - Getting performance data of a defined censhare Client task

To find the cause of a performance problem, we need detailed data of the slow client action.
Here you can find the way how to gather this performance data.

Collect Client Performance Data

  • logon to the [censhare] Application Server.

  • Switch censhare Client into admin mode.

  • go to the menu "File/Preferences/Logs..." and activate only "General/Client/" to level "INFO" and "General/Trace time". Be sure to set the "Output" to "Window"

  • Perform the task you want to measure (e.g. checkout)

  • You will get a new "Logs"-window with three tabs. Save the contents of the "Logs"-tab. With this information we can analyse what happened

  • If you want to get the performance data of a further action, delete the current protocols by pressing the trash button

  • Perform the next task you want to measure (e.g. checkin)

  • again save the content of the "Logs"-tab

Please do not forget to deactivate all logging settings in the menu "File/Preferences/Logs..." after your tests in order to avoid client performance issues.

Collect Server Performance Data

  • logon to the [censhare] Application Server. In case of remote server environment, login to a server with a direct database connection (only so we get the Oracle Statement timing)

  • Switch censhare Client into admin mode.

  • go to the menu "File/Preferences/Logs..." and activate only "General/Server/" to level "FINEST (XML)" and "General/Trace time". Be sure to set the "Output" to "Window"

  • Perform the task you want to measure (e.g. checkout)

  • You will get a new "Logs"-window with three tabs. Save the contents of the "Logs"- and "Server logs"-tab. With this information we can analyse what happened

  • If you want to get the performance data of a further action, delete the current protocols by pressing the trash button

  • Perform the next task you want to measure (e.g. checkin)

  • again save the contents of the "Logs"- and "Server logs"-tab

Please do not forget to deactivate all logging settings in the menu "File/Preferences/Logs..." after your tests in order to avoid server performance issues.
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