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How to troubleshoot the error message !am.outdatedAssetTCN!

This is a generic error message and can appear because of different issues. The following article helps to troubleshoot the error if this appears when login into the censhare web.

Before you start analysing this issue you should try the following workaround:
Login to the Admin Client go to Master Data from here go to Users and search for the affected user, after you find the user copy the Asset ID from the user and document the Asset ID in the ticket so that we can further troubleshoot this problem, after that delete the Asset ID. Ask the customer to login again and see if the problem persists.

Hint: If you delete the Asset ID on the first login the system will create a new person asset with a new workspace.

Important hints about troubleshooting this issue

  • Check  the server logs for more information regarding the error, save the server log under the ticket.

  • Login with the Java Client to the server search for the Asset ID which you already documented into the ticket, you'll find the person asset, under the person asset you'll find the Workspace, Favorites, Pinboard, Preferences , Watched  you will need to check the domain or the owner on the  Workspace, Favorites, Pinboard, Preferences, Watched and compare it with the information from the Admin Client - Master Data - Users - "Affected User".

  • Check the person asset versions and history into Java Client

The error !am.outdatedAssetTCN! in this context means, that for some reason the user Wokspace, Favorites, Pinboard, Preference, Watched assets can't be found and loaded on users login and therefore the user can't login.

P.S: it is a normal situation that under the person asset of the affected user you will find just the Workspace and the Preferences and not the "Favorites, Pinboard and Watched", if that's the case you will need to check just the Workspace and the Preferences for issues.

A request "#4260934" to make this generic error message more understandable in the future versions was already created.

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