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How to sign a document with DocuSign

Valid for internal and external signees - This article describes how to sign a document electronically with DocuSign.

What is DocuSign

DocuSign is a Digital Signature Service that allows you to send, sign and manage documents electronically. Documents can easily be accessed and stored in the cloud in a secure electronic format. Using electronic signatures, or e-signatures, saves time and speeds up the signature process no matter where you are. You can sign the documents sent to you anywhere on your personal computer, laptop or mobile device.

Sign as a DocuSign Signer

As a DocuSign Signer you will receive an e-mail notification in your e-mail inbox with a link to a document requiring your signature. Select and open that link in your browser.

For an extra level of security you might additionally be provided with an access code via a separate channel such as by phone for example (2-Step Verification). You, in that case, must enter the code correctly when needed in order to view the document.

Declaration of consent

Consent to the use of electronic records and signatures by checking the respective box and click on the “Continue” button.

Review the document

Please review by scrolling through the document.

Provide input needed

Locate the fields requesting information and/or your signature and provide the input needed. Confirm your name and select a signature. You can select 1 of 3 options:

  1. Choose a predefined signature style;

  2. Draw your own signature with your finger or stylus;

  3. Upload an image file of your handwritten signature (DocuSign Account required).

In addition, you may also be requested to place your initials at predefined positions inside the document. In that case, you have the same options as with your signature. Make your choice according to the options above.

Complete the process

You complete the process by clicking on the “Finish” button. You will then automatically receive a copy of the signed document as soon as signed by all DocuSign Signers.

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