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Error Check-in asset failed with Content Editor in censhare Web


User gets the error "Check-in asset failed" during checkin in Content Editor.

In censhare Web, when a text asset is checked out the corresponding article asset is also automatically checked-out. This means that a user can edit only one text variant at a time. The right sequence is listed below:

  1. Check out of Text asset by a user.

  2. Check out of Article asset automatically.

  3. Check in of Text asset by a user.

  4. Check in of Article asset automatically.

In step 3, if a user manually check in the article asset before the text asset (i.e. step 4 before step 3) then, the text asset cannot be checked in and the error message "Check-in asset failed" is shown in web client.


The user can only cancel the check-out (= changes get lost) and reopen the text asset.

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